Monday, July 20, 2009

Survival Mode and Sugar Daddies

No, they are not related. Just two things from my day.

The first being the most difficult. Since the day we found out that our son had heart issues (at 29 weeks pregnant) I have been in survival mode. Going day to day, doing what I have to do to make sure the pregnancy, delivery and his every day care was, well, taken care of. Pushing back to the furtherest part in mind, the real fact that Landon's heart was/is not OK. Yes, there are several things that the Dr's can do to help to eliviate the side effects of his defects but there is NOTHING they can do to "fix" the defects. I simply pushed back the thought of complications with surgeries, oxygen levels, pressures of his ventricles, etc just to stay sane on a day to day basis. Then there are the times when I come out of survival mode and face the situation we are in. It's hard. No one can promise that Landon will be "normal" when it comes to heart function. There is no promise that replacement/repairing the defects will be successful and there is no promise that there won't be complications with the open heart surgery. It's very real and very scary. Tears. Lots of tears. Then I suck it up, dry my face and continue in survival mode. Why am I telling you all of this? Basically because I need to write it out. It makes me feel better. And with Landon's appointment date getting closer and closer, I need to do all I can to make myself feel better. of the heavy stuff. Onto something I found quite funny today. There are many things that go along with being at a large university. One of those "things" are the large amount of international students. I love having them here. I learn a lot from them. I was sitting next to a large piece of equipment today when an international grad student was sitting next to me. For lack of anything else to read, she had managed to bum off her labmate a "Men's Health" magazine. She opened it to the commentary from the editor and it was labelled "Sugar Daddies" to which she pointed it out to me and asked me to explain what a Sugar Daddy was...and no, the article was not referring to candy.

back to the grind

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